
We realize that students and families go through many changes and challenges during their middle school years. Below are some resources for you to check out. These resources are not all affiliated with FMSD and PKMS and are different blogs, articles and organizations that focus specifically on middle schoolers, tweens and teens, as well as family needs. 



Moms of Teens and Tweens


Grown and Flown


Raising Teens Today


Raising Teens and Tweens (Facebook page)


Parenting Teens and Tweens


Your Teen




Books focused on the middle school years and social/emotional development


14 Talks by 14- Michelle Icard


Middle School Matters - Phyllis L Fagell, LCPC


Who Stole My Child? - Carl Pickhardt, Ph D


Middle School Makeover- Michelle Icard


Finding the Magic in Middle School- Tapping into the Power and Potential of the Middle School Years



Executive Function/Developing Executive Skills:


Smart but Scattered- Peg Dawson, EdD, and Richard Guare, PhD


Seth Parler TEFOS


Study and Organizational Skills:




Mental Health Resources:

FMSD/PKMS Resources for mental health and bullying


Basic Needs Assistance Resources:

FMSD/PKMS Resources for basic needs








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