Welcome Knighthawk Families!


We are excited that you are here to check things out and get to know your PTO. We are always looking for friends to lend their time, talent or treasure, in order to support our teachers, staff and students. 

There is no membership fee to be part of PTO. All parents and guardians of PKMS students are welcome to join us in driving our mission of supporting our students and staff.


PKMS PTO Mission Statement


The mission and purpose of the PKMS PTO is to enhance and support the educational experience at Pleasant Knoll Middle School by fostering relationships among the school, parents, and teachers; encourage parental involvement; and to improve the educational and cultural environment at Pleasant Knoll Middle School through volunteer and financial support.


If you'd like to help us deliver on our mission, please consider a donation of time, through volunteering, or a monetary donation, by clicking the link below. 











We are looking for $20 amazon gift card donations for end of the year gift cards for teachers! If you feel led to donate, you can drop them off at the front office or send money to our Venmo @PKMSPTO! 

















PTO Meetings


Our PTO meetings are held the third Friday of each month, from 9AM-10AM. We meet in the health room, which is located next to the concession stand by the football field. Parking is available by the football field/concession stand. Please join us to learn more about what activities the PTO has planned, as well as how we are stewarding raised funds. 




Volunteer Opportunities





The ORANGE events below have open sign up lists.

The BLACK events below will have a sign up list coming soon.




March 12th - Q3 Incentive Day

April 4th - 8th Grade Dance

May 19th - Q4 Incentive Day

May 22nd - Field Day Concessions




 PKMS Spirit Rock Information






March Sprit Rock Reservations


April Spirit Rock Reservations


May Spirit Rock Reservations  




If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here. Need more information? 

If you should have any questions regarding the registration process, please contact us at PleasantKnollmsPTO@gmail.com 










PKMS PTO site information:

For the 2023-24 school year, PKMS PTO has enlisted the services of Membership Toolkit for the purpose of hosting our website, online spirit wear store and maintaining membership data including an online directory available to PKMS PTO Members. To ensure that the PTO has correct contact information, please click on the registration button above and complete the online Family Information Form.  


 Upcoming Events

Corporate Sponsors

Click on the logo below to see what they have to offer!